Gradle is starting to become mature enough to be used as a ‘real deal’ build system. However, when trying to build with gradle there can be some easy idioms to help you up the learning curve.
Honestly, this is one of my favorite features of gradle - it makes it incredibly powerful. That said, it can be a bit of a pain if you aren’t willing to spend some considerable amount of time learning groovy; instead, you will probably just end up doing an immense of googling to finally cobble together something that works.
An snippet that I found particularly useful, particularly when working with hadoop, but extensible to other depenencies is maintaing a list of basic dependencies, and then iterating them as needed.
This will build you the full dependency name of the hadoop component with the right name.
You can store the dependencies you will need across projects in a List
List standardHadoopComponentNames = ['hadoop-client', 'hadoop-common', 'hadoop-hdfs']
and then use that later to include the dependencies fairly easily:
This includes each of the ‘standard’ hadoop components from above as compile-time dependencies and cludes the slf4j-log4j12 dependency from each of the components(1).
I still haven’t found a clean way to not have to include all these lines in all the projects (i.e. an inheritance, like you would expect with Maven). However, this is a very simple idiom that becomes very expressive and powerful. It works great for a single project, but can get frustrating with multiple.
If you are starting to build up a lot of integration tests that are long and likely conflict on the same JVM, you probably want to add a new project and fork each test:
This was a tip I picked up from browsing the Kafka and Samza gradle builds.
Suppose you want to include Scala in your project, but want to support running against a couple of different versions. In you top-level build.gradle file you would just add:
This lets the developer configure, either through the config files for default or on the command-line for dyanmic setting, which version of scala to use. Then in depenency-versions.gradle you would have all the versions of dependencies (like the
Note though, we don’t include the scala version in this set of properties - instead it goes into the top-level Here’s one of mine:
By default, our build will then look at the dependency-version-scala-2.10.gradle file:
where we can set all the scala properties we need when adding scala to our standard build cycle:
Some projects are built with maven and assume that the environment from which the tests are run is also maven (I’m looking at you Hadoop and HBase projects). For the most part, this is fine… until its not. Frequently, you will end up with cases where your tests create an extra {project}/target directory and store temporary data there. To fix this, you can add a cleanup for that directory to every project pretty easily.
This way, everytime the ‘cleanTest’ target is run, you will also delete all the target/ directories.
There are probably a bunch of jars you will want to build for your project. For a single-project gradle build, this is pretty straight forward from the docs. However, once you are into multi-project gradle builds, this can start to get a bit more complicated, especially when looking to release.
For the below, I’m just using a single build.gradle file - I find its easier to reason about the different projects when you can see them all together. However, gradle also lets you have a build.gradle per project directory, allowing you to decouple things when they starting getting too complicated.
By default, the ‘java’ plugin will just build a java jar. However, you frequently will want to reuse your test sources across projects. To do this, you need to build a “tests” type jar (the maven equivalent is the com.mycompany:project:1.0:test artifact) which can be depended on by other projects:
This will build not only the standard jar with an intelligent name - by default, it would just be the name of the project, but you may have multiple sub-projects with the the same name, and hence no way to differentiate them - but also the tests har with the standard maven naming conventions.
Ok, now you have some artifact that you want to package up all the hardwork you have done and make a release of the build jars (e.g. something that would run on another box).
For this case, consider two projects: myproject:fs and myproject:rest. We want to package up these two projects into a single gzipped tarball.
In that tarball we are going to have a handful of directories:
All we need to do to build that tarball is then just run $ gradle distTar
And the final tarball will be in the ‘distributions’ directory.
Hopefully, this has been somewhat useful. We’ve covered how you can leverage some the features of having the groovy language in your build scripts, how to add new tasks, managing your scala versions and how to roll a distribution and its dependent jars.
(1) Using hadoop with other projects that do logging ‘better’ generally means having to exclude this dependency as other projects will use slf4j-over-XXXX as the adapter, rather than the direct slf4j-log4j pipe, causing a runtime conflict. There are newer log systems (logback, log4j2, etc) that are faster and more efficient - slf4j-log4j12 is just good enough to ge by, but you can - and should! - do a lot better.
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